10 Interesting Facts About Calgary You Need to Know

Hey there, and welcome back to my blog! Today, I’m sharing an exciting topic that’s close to my heart. I always enjoy writing about interesting facts because I end up learning a lot, too. This time, it’s about Calgary – the city we’ve called home for over a year and a half. Can you feel my excitement? Let’s dive in!

1. The Calgary Stampede: The Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth 🎉
Calgary hosts the annual 10-day Calgary Stampede, an event featuring the world’s largest rodeo, thrilling concerts, and endless attractions. We attended for the first time last year (July 2018) and loved it! My daughter’s excitement made the experience unforgettable. (Check out my photos and highlights here!)

What is a stampede without some good food (yumyum😋)
The parade was so beautiful to watch😍. I shared more on my Instagram status here

2. Weather Extremes: From -45°C to 36°C 🌡️
Did you know Calgary’s coldest temperature on record is -45°C (-49ºF) in February 1893? Thankfully, we haven’t experienced that extreme yet, but we’ve definitely felt Calgary’s winters. Btw, the warmest day ever recorded was 36.1°C (97°F) in July 1919.

My daughter all kitted up for the weather. This wasn't -45°C btw😃

3. Calgary’s Diverse Community 🌍
Nearly a quarter of Calgary's population is foreign-born, with over 23 languages spoken. It's one of the things that makes Calgary feel like home. Talking about diversity, I wrote a similar article here on 5 reasons why I love Canada.

4. Canada’s Sunniest City ☀️
Calgary boasts around 333 days of sunshine per year! This makes it especially beautiful in winter when the city lights up against a snowy backdrop.

It was a sunny day in April☀️ and we were out there doing what we love doing most - exploring our city

5. Chinook Winds – Calgary’s Natural Winter Heater 🌬️
Calgary experiences a unique weather phenomenon called Chinook winds, which can raise the temperature by 20 degrees in just a few hours. Perfect for those winter days when you want to ditch the heavy coat.

6. The Plus 15 Skywalk 🌆
Calgary’s downtown offers an 18 km indoor walking network known as the Plus 15. It's a lifesaver in winter and connects over 100 buildings.

7. Home to the Calgary Flames & Stampeders 🏒
Calgary is home to two major sports teams: the Flames (NHL hockey) and the Stampeders (CFL football). Fun fact: Calgary also hosted the Winter Olympics in 1988. That’s right; this amazing city was the first host of a Winter Olympics. The legacy still lives on today, as the speed skating track is still present. And, it’s open for public use if anyone fancies a skate. Plus, there's the Canada Olympic Park that lets people try out a range of other winter sports.

Image from NHL
Image from Global News
8. Calgary Zoo: One of North America’s Best 🦁
The Calgary Zoo, rated among the top three in North America, is one of our favourite spots. We visited during our first summer and came back in winter to see the stunning ZooLights display.

How beautiful are these birds😍 OMG I love them

Summer Visit

December 2018, Christmas Zoolight

9. The Iconic Peace Bridge 🌉
I wasn't going to forget my favourite peace bridge. Calgary’s red, tubular Peace Bridge was designed by Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava and is a top spot for photos. I recently took my birthday picture there and I loved every one of it. I might be returning there to take more pictures in the summer😋 #HotSummerMamaLoading

How cute is this picture😍I know you love it as much as I do😋

10. Naheed Nenshi: Canada’s First Muslim Mayor 🌐
Born and raised in Calgary, Naheed Nenshi made history as Canada’s first Muslim mayor – and the first Muslim mayor of any large North American city.

Image from City of Calgary
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That's a wrap from me to you today. I hope you learnt 1 or 2 things about Calgary from this piece. Feel free to share this with your friends and loved ones. Until next time...💋

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