Our Favourite Holiday Traditions: Teni’s Show & Tell

Welcome back to #WemsCorner! Today, I'm super excited to share Teni's adorable show-and-tell presentation about our family's holiday traditions. As a blogger mum, I love getting creative with school projects, and this one was no exception!

The Project:
The instruction was simple: "Share your holiday traditions, what you love to do, food, and everything in between." As usual, I put on my creativity cap and designed this presentation. 

The Process:
I already had this beautiful slide before which we used in Kinder for her "Get to know me" show-and-tell here. So I decided to reuse it. Also, we brainstormed and shared ideas together. My job was just to put everything together in one piece and be creative while at it, so I would say it was the teamwork that brought our thoughts and imaginations alive.

That being said here are a few of our family traditions that we do during Christmas and Easter holidays!

Christmas Traditions:
During the Christmas, we love:
  • Decorating our Christmas tree together
  • Spending time with cousins
  • Opening our Christmas gifts together
  • Eating our favorite food together like Jollof rice and chicken 

Easter Traditions:
At Easter, we enjoy:
  • Easter egg hunt
  • Taking pictures with the Easter Bunny
  • Easter crafts and,
  • Having lots of treats from the Easter basket

The Outcome:
Teni and I practiced together and It was amazing to watch her present confidently. When we did the Kinder project, her teacher presented it to the class but this time, she will be doing this herself. 

It was also a good time to get all our pictures and memories together while doing this project; I loved it so much. There were so many traditions I couldn't fit into this because the plan was to keep it short and simple like writing letters to Santa, attending holiday parties, community easter events, and visiting Santa, amongst others but I'm so proud of what we came up with and can't wait for the next project

That being said, I'm grateful for this blog, where I document our journey and growth. Comparing this to our 'Get to know my daughter' post from 2022', I'm blown away by Teni's growth! 

Thank you for stopping by in my little corner of the internet today. I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed putting this together. See you at the next one! 💋

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